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Association française de zootechnie

Du 15 nov. 2023 au 01 sept. 2024

ContactDiane Lechartier

Replay of the "Food and Feed for the Future" workshop held on 1 September 2023 at ISARA, Lyon, France

Replay of the

Discover the replay of the workshop organised by AFZ, CSIRO, INRAE and ISARA and held on 1 September at ISARA with the support of the OECD Cooperative Research Programme.

The replay of this 7-hour workshop consist in a YouTube playlist of 23 videos of the presentations and of the Questions & Answers sessions. You will also get access to a page where you will be able to download the PDF of the presentations of the speakers.


Agri-food systems must evolve towards a pattern of sustainability and resilience to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The status quo is not an option. Major transformations in agricultural systems and natural resource management will be required to ensure a safe and healthy future for all people and the entire planet. The growing protein demand of the growing global population can only be sustainably addressed by diversifying the protein offering. The workshop presents and discusses challenges and opportunities for protein production from animals, plant-based sources, and novel protein sources (insects, yeast, and microalgae) and how they contribute to sustainable food systems. Different options are discussed to address this problem: they can focus on new technologies such as microbial production to produce more food or they can consider more sustainable land-based food systems.


This workshop has addressed the following questions:

  • How will the global need for protein be met combining ethical and sustainable agriculture with microbial bioproduction?

  • Can microbial bioproduction be considered safe, resilient and non-competitive with land farming?

  • What are the modern nutritional approaches to healthy production of animal and human diets in a resource-and carbon-constrained world?
  • What are the socio-economic issues of future sustainable agricultural systems?
  • How to address the ethical/societal acceptation challenge of food and feed microbial/tissue bioproduction?


This workshop targets all stakeholders who aim at understanding and forecasting the future of feed and food whether they are potential actors of change or have to deal with the constraints and opportunities generated by such changes with the responsibility of feeding increasing human populations with lower impact on the resources:

  • farmers and farmers organisations (syndicates, cooperatives, associations),
  • feed and feed additives manufacturers and retailers and their representants,
  • research institutions and programmes at national, transnational, and global levels; academy including students,
  • experts, consultants and extension services,
  • policy makers, consumers and lobbying bodies involved in the feed or the food sector at national, EU and international levels


Opening speeches

Opening address by H.E. the Ambassador of Australia to France, Ms Gillian Bird PSM (Australian Embassy in France)

Presentation of the Co-operative Research Programme of the OECD, Andy Sheppard (OECD, France)


  • What is sustainability of food and feed? Anne Mottet (FAO, Italy)

Microbial and tissue production for food and feed applications

  • Future proteins (algae, fungi, etc), Aarti Tobin (CSIRO, Australia)
  • Microbial biotech for feed and food for the future, Prof. Willy Verstraete (University of Ghent, Belgium)
  • Alternative way of milk protein production - Hélène Briand (Bon Vivant, France)
  • Cultured meat production: insights from a tissue engineering perspective, Lieven Thorrez (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Sustainability of insects for feed and food, Thomas Lefebvre (Ynsect, France)
  • Food safety aspects of cell-based food: global perspectives, Masami Takeuchi (FAO, Japan)

Sustainability of land-based food

  • Applying agroecological principles to animal farming systems fosters transition
    towards sustainable food systems, Bertrand Dumont (INRAE, France)

  • Pathways to climate neutral red meat production, Dr Brad Ridoutt (CSIRO, Australia)

Is there a place for a more diverse protein offering?

  • The Dublin Declaration: Roles, services and impacts of livestock, Peer Ederer (GOALSciences, Switzerland)
  • Can we do without livestock? Wilhelm Windisch (TÜM, Germany)
  • Place of animal products in the human diet, Nicole Darmon (INRAE, France)
  • Consumer acceptance of alternative proteins, Marleen Onwezen (WUR, The Netherlands)


  • Irène Tolleret (European Food Forum and deputy of the European Parliament, France)
  • Jean-Baptiste Moreau (RPP consultant, Former French deputy, France)
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